The Impact Of Family Conflicts On Undergraduate Academic Performance
The child's initial point of interaction with the outside world is his or her family. As a result, the child receives early education and socialization from his or her parents and other prominent family members. The family, according to Bandura (1989), provides the psychological, moral, and spiritual foundations for the child's total growth. Family/home is either shattered or intact structurally. In this sense, a broken home is one that is not structurally solid as a result of divorce, separation, the death of one of the parents, or illegitimacy. Children's illegitimacy, the label of adopted kid, shattered households, divorce, and parental deprivation, according to Emery (2004), are the main causes of psychological home situations. He claims that such aberrant home settings are likely to have a negative impact on a child's school performance.
According to Tilman (2007), research have demonstrated that when one kind of violence is prevalent in the family, other forms of violence are more likely to occur as well, and that family violence has a clear link to community violence, other forms of aggression, and gender-based violence. Many jurisdictions have law enforcement.
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Countries will not intervene in what is commonly referred to as a "domestic feud," despite psychological research indicating that abusers are unlikely to seek aid to quit their violence. According to studies, there is a clear link between domestic violence and community violence. According to Golden (2000), a history of abuse has been demonstrated to enhance the chance of abusive behavior. Parental conflict and aggressiveness, or a conflict atmosphere in the home, according to Steinberg (1996), is linked to offspring's personal or violent crimes.
According to Johnson (2005), children of divorced parents/separated households frequently fail and are emotionally vulnerable. However, this may not be entirely true in all cases of family strife. Some children, regardless of their family's background or structure, can work hard and achieve success in life. Furthermore, according to Ayodele (2007), the environment in which a youngster finds himself determines his learning ability and, eventually, his academic achievement in school.
On the other side, Kiura (1999) claims that a healthy husband-wife relationship is based on self-awareness, spouse awareness, individuality balance, mutual relationship, conflict resolution, sexual harmony, and sound abilities in mutual discussion and communication. He also believes that parents must take responsibility for their children's eternal fate, educating, preparing them for life, and guiding them in the proper direction. If parents aren't getting along, their children will suffer as well. They suffer not only at home, but also when they go to school or visit friends since they are carrying their parents' burdens with them.
The impact of the home environment on a student's academic success is widely recognized. Most homes in Nigeria are broken up as a consequence of factors such as incompatibility between couples, the death of a parent, the desire to go on oversea excursions to generate more money, and even marital adultery. As a result, there is a lot of miscommunication between parents and children. Most young females depart their homes and embark on oversea excursions with the intention of making money in various states of the federation.
Some men who migrate abroad forsake their houses and refuse to connect with their families back home, leaving children in a difficult situation, particularly in terms of transition. According to Chador (2008), a student's home environment has a significant impact on his academic success. Family strife can have a significant impact on academic performance.